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What's going on in Aguascalientes

     There is a lot going on down here in Aguascalientes, Mexico. I want to keep you all informed with the highlights each month. Thank you to all who pray for and support these ministries. We are able to bless so many people and we couldn't do it without you. To God be all the glory. Gracias amigos!


September was a great month. I got to spend half the time at home with family and the other half back down in Mexico...and I made it just in time for the big celebration.

While I was home in San Diego, I worked a lot. The restaurant I used to work at, Gaetano's, asked if I could cover some shifts since they are having trouble hiring people as are so many businesses right now in the US. One day my brother and nephews surprised me at work and I showed the kids how to make a pizza. They really enjoyed it.

My brother and his family came in town for a weekend. I got to hang out a lot with my nephews and my niece. My niece was born in January and is already so much bigger than the last time I saw her. It was a blessing to see everybody!

While I was home I did some jobs for my dad. He had a new deck put in but now it is so high up that he couldn't get down into the canyon if he needed to. I welded a step and secured it in concrete. Now he can get down with a ladder. It's cool to be able to use the skills that I've learned in the mission field while I'm back home. 

I flew back to Aguascalientes, Mexico, on September 14th, just in time for the big party!

We celebrated Mexican Independence Day on September 15th. Even though Independence Day is September 16th, everybody starts the celebration on the 15th so they can scream "¡VIVA MÉXICO!" at midnight. There was a big party at the orphanage. Every year the director, Marce, does a great job setting up the event. There were many different stations with food, drinks, desserts and of course "elotes" (corn on the cob). I always manage to get a goofy picture with an "elote."

There was a small fair down the street from the orphanage. On one of our Sunday fun days, I took the girls for a couple of hours to go on the rides. It was a fun time and they really enjoyed it. And praise God the man running the fair gave us a generous discount on ticket prices for the kids. It was a nice blessing! 

And since I've been back, I've been staying busy just helping out with a lot of smaller jobs: 


I changed a bunch of lights at the orphanage. The girl's building was pretty dark because the lights were failing. I replaced the long LED light strips for the regular bulbs. It will be much easier and more convenient for the staff to change them. 

I replaced the wheels on Chevon's sliding glass door. It was getting hard to open and with her loss of strength, it wouldn't have been long until she couldn't have opened it. I had to take everything apart and as I was laying the big piece of glass down on the bed, the weight took me forward and my leg went right into the edge of the glass...I got a nice souvenir from that job.

And I helped out my friends Fani & Ale. They grew up in the orphanage and I have known them for over 15 years. I welded a child gate to put at the top of their stairs so Ale's boy, Elias, can't go down the stairs in the middle of the night. He liked my welding equipment and was playing around with the mask and gloves. He's a cutie!

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